WT Closes the School Year by Celebrating Staff


Contact: Ellen Rogers, Community Relations Coordinator, MSDWT

Email: errogers@msdwt.k12.in.us

INDIANAPOLIS, IN (May 20, 2024) – Washington Township Schools will close the school year by celebrating teachers and staff with over $30K in awards and prizes from community support on Friday, May 24.

Washington Township Schools is pleased to end the school year with boosted enrollment, elevated test scores, and many staff celebrations. On May 24 at 8:00 am, our end-of-the-year celebration known as “The W Awards,” will take place in the North Central High School auditorium and will celebrate the achievements and accomplishments of nearly 1900 teachers and staff.

Among the notable awards will be the announcement of the 2024 Washington Township Teacher of the Year, who will advance to the Indiana Department of Education’s state competition and the possibility of being named the Teacher of the Year for the state of Indiana. Beyond the Teacher of The Year announcement on Friday, Washington Township is grateful for the partnership with Honored Schools which recognizes great teachers by elevating student voices and creating a consistent culture of teacher appreciation within school communities. Honored Schools will recognize three Washington Township Teachers (one from each level; elementary, middle, and high school) with a $5,000 cash award presented to each recipient.

In addition to Honored Schools, this year’s recognitions and awards are sponsored by the following companies; Sullivan Commercial Supply, Herff Jones, Corebridge Financial, Everwise Credit Union, the Washington Township Schools Foundation, and Bose McKinney & Evans. The generous contributions from these entities will provide awards, trophies, medallions, gift cards, and cash awards during the event.

The last school day for Washington Township students is Thursday, May 23.

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