Nonresident Application

This page is for families who do not reside within MSDWT attendance boundaries and want to apply for their student to attend one of our schools.

High School Families Only: the nonresident application for the 2025-2026 school year will open for new and current high school families from October 15 – December 1, 2024Please review the step-by-step instructions to understand the nonresident application process, and find the nonresident application under the “Nonresident Application” tab below.

K-12: Families who have recently moved out of the district or new families wishing to enroll in WT can apply for second-semester consideration for the current school year 2024-2025. The nonresident and IDLC applications will open from November 1 – November 29, 2024.

Nonresident Students : Step-By-Step Instructions

  • Nonresident approval is for one school year. All nonresident families MUST reapply each year.
  • Families who have more than one student must apply for each student. Each student must have an application on file.
  • The nonresident application link is closed for first-semester enrollment and reopen for second-semester enrollment from November 1 – 29.
  • Transportation is NOT provided for nonresident students.
  • No nonresident student shall be accepted for enrollment for athletic reasons.

Nonresident families living outside of the Metropolitan School District of Washington Township boundaries may apply for Nonresident Status for the 2025-2056 school year by submitting a Nonresident Application and required documents.


  • The interactive (fillable) Attendance & Discipline form must be downloaded. You can then complete and save the form offline before attaching and uploading it to the application.  IMPORTANT:  This step cannot be completed by using a Chromebook.  Adobe is not preloaded onto these devices.  Please use a laptop or phone that is compatible with Adobe for this step.
  • Using your phone will allow you to save the application as a draft.
  • When completing the application, we must have a valid email (preferred contact method) so that we may contact you regarding the determination of your application. If you have a hotmail account, please know that you may not be notified as there have been problems with this platform and our outgoing emails.

Nonresident Application


General Information

The Indiana State Legislature passed legislation altering Indiana Code 20-26-11-32, affecting the process public school districts must follow should a district accept nonresident students.

Below are some requirements of the law:

  • Districts must determine annually, the capacity to accept out of district transfer students.
  • Districts must publish the date applications for nonresident enrollment are accepted and the deadline by which applications must be submitted.
  • Districts must give priority to children of nonresident employees, siblings of nonresident children of employees, current nonresident students, and siblings of nonresident students.
  • Should applications exceed the capacity determined by the administration, students are to be selected randomly for acceptance.
  • Nonresident applications may be denied if the student was, in the twelve (12) months preceding the application:
    1. Suspended or expelled for ten (10) or more school days;
    2. Expelled for firearms, destructive devices, or weapons;
    3. Suspended or expelled for causing physical injury to a student (including fighting), school employee, or a visitor to the school;
    4. Suspended or expelled for a violation of the home school or previous school’s drug or alcohol rules; or
    5. Has a history of absences or occurrences of tardiness to school; including instances of early dismissal or untimely pick-up after the end of the school day.

The parent of the student making the request is responsible for informing the MSDWT of any of the infractions cited in items
one (1) through five (5) above.  A document addressing this information must be included with the application in order for the application to be considered. Parents/Guardians may be required to sign a document affirmatively stating that the student has not been subject to these types of discipline. The nonresident student may be removed from enrollment in the MSDWT if the information provided is found to be inaccurate.

  • Nonresident families will have the opportunity to apply for nonresident enrollment provided the student meets the minimum criteria of enrollment and there is capacity to accept the student(s).
  • Transportation of nonresident students is the responsibility of the parent/guardian unless otherwise mandated by state or federal law.
  • Nonresident status is good for one year as long as the student remains in good standing.
  • Nonresident applicants must supply complete official attendance records from all schools attended in the twelve (12) months preceding application. Parents/Guardians may be required to provide additional official attendance documentation for dates between the application date and the start of the nonresident enrollment.
  • The decision/policy to accept new nonresident students will be reviewed annually based on capacity and costs to the district.

The MSDWT Board of Education revised district Policy 5111 to reflect the new legislative requirements.

The District will determine the capacity to accept nonresident students annually per Indiana Department of Education guidance. The capacity to accept nonresident students will be determined by grade level (the district may consider building level capacity when determining grade level capacity). Students accepted as nonresident students will not be automatically approved annually. Nonresident requests will be reviewed each school year, with no transfers automatically carried over to subsequent school years.

Applications must contain verification of the student’s attendance and discipline records as represented by the parent/guardian on the application. The verification must contain records from the student’s previous school of enrollment for the twelve (12) months preceding application. Applications not containing verification may be denied upon receipt.

Applications received after the published deadline may be automatically denied.

Incomplete applications may be denied upon receipt.

For questions related to nonresident enrollment, please contact the following: