Enrollment Management

In 2024, the Enrollment Management Advisory Taskforce was established to address various issues affecting the future of Washington Township Schools. This includes challenges related to school enrollment capacity in multiple schools, academic programming offerings—such as special education, dual language immersion, and high-ability programs—transportation complexities, and considerations regarding school walk zones.

After several meetings and consultations with our partners at Transpar Group, the Taskforce has developed a set of recommendations for the school board’s consideration to tackle the challenges currently facing our district.

Here is a high-level overview of the board-approved school rezoning impact:

Middle School Attendance Boundary Changes: We propose adjusting the attendance boundaries for all three middle schools to create a more balanced enrollment. Families affected by this change will experience shorter travel times to their new middle school. Additionally, all students living within the Willow Lake boundaries will now attend Westlane for middle school, as we expand the dual language immersion program at Westlane. Westlane Middle School will not lose any current students in this rezoning proposal.

Elementary School Attendance Boundary Changes: The attendance boundaries for Willow Lake and Greenbriar Elementary Schools will be revised. This will help reduce enrollment at Willow Lake, which is currently at capacity, while increasing enrollment at Greenbriar, which is below capacity. Greenbriar Elementary School will not lose any current students in this rezoning proposal.

The following slide deck was presented as an information item at the Board Meeting on October 16.

A follow-up information item will be shared at the Board Meeting on November 13, with a final recommendation and potential action for the school board to consider on December 11. This timeline allows for adequate planning and preparation for the second semester in anticipation of the 2025-2026 school year.

Please reference the following FAQ document and an additional neighborhood specific impact slide deck for further details regarding the proposal. Please complete this survey regarding the recommendation as we value your feedback.