Curriculum Update

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IB Exhibition and Personal Project

As our fifth grade students prepare to move on to our middle schools and the IB Middle Years Program, they engage in a project that incorporates presentation skills, research, problem solving, and teamwork through what is called the Fifth Grade Exhibition.  The students investigate, research, and brainstorm ways to solve a variety of problems from around the globe.  The Exhibition is the culminating event of the PYP for all fifth grade students in Washington Township. is a great opportunity for students to apply the skills that they have been developing throughout their years in the PYP as they engage in a personal and collaborative inquiry and take action on a local or global issue. Exhibition enables  our students to enter middle school with the skill sets and attitudes necessary to take ownership of their learning and make a difference in the world.

IB Personal Project

Our North Central tenth grade students culminate their IB Middle Years Experience with a Personal Project.  The students self select a direction for their Personal Project.  Some may learn to play an instrument, start a business or write a business plan, or engage in a service project to name a few.

The Personal Project allows students to move outside the walls of the classroom to connect what they have learned to a topic that is meaningful to them. For those students who will be applying to college, participation in the Personal Project differentiates them from other applicants as they can create something that has the potential not only to change them but also to change the world they inhabit outside of school. For those students not attending college, the Personal Project is an opportunity to explore a profession in which they might be interested or design a project related to a profession of personal interest.

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IB World Schools

For more information about the International Baccalaureate program, visit   


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