A full-time nurse is available at each school building. The role of the school nurse is to care for students who have been injured or become ill during the school day, as well as to facilitate the care of students with acute or chronic health conditions.
What is the School Nurse Responsible for?
- Administration of medications
- Management of medical conditions that occur during the school day including, but not limited to asthma, severe allergies, diabetes, and seizures
- Assessment, care and treatment of minor illnesses and injury that may occur during the school day
- Health Counseling
- Prevention and Control of communicable diseases
- Monitoring immunizations for each student as required by the State of Indiana
- Health screening for students including vision
- The Medical Assisting Instructors, students, and the Coordinator of Health Services in collaboration with WT school personnel will provide the state mandated vision screenings for grades 1, 3, 5, and 8. Additionally, Washington Township Speech and Language Pathologists will conduct the state mandated hearing screenings for grades 1, 4, 7, and 10. The nurses in the building will continue to complete any needed follow-up with parents/guardians related to these screenings.
Washington Township nurses are skilled to take care of all student needs, especially those who have specific health concerns. Below, you will find information on some of the more common health concerns seen in schools. If your student has a health concern not seen below, please reach out to your building nurse to discuss your student’s needs. Here are a few things to know:
- Forms for health concerns need to be updated each year. In most cases, your student sees their doctor yearly, so please have the physician complete the form at that time.
- We do accept forms in the Spring for the following school year.
- Forms can be sent in with your student or scanned and emailed to your building nurse.
Severe Allergy
If you student has a severe allergy requiring the use of an Epi Pen, please complete the Severe Allergy Form. Please note one side is for your physician to complete and the second side is for the parent.
- Grades 7-12, students are allowed to carry their Epi Pen while at school, but a physician’s permission is needed for this. Your doctor can check the box on the form.
- Grades K-6, students will need to have the Epi Pen at school and kept in the clinic.
- Your student may transport the Epi Pen to school, but please notify the nurse prior.
- Check the Epi Pen is not expired. An expired Epi Pen will not be accepted, and the nurse will ask you to provide another Epi Pen.
Food Intolerance
If your student has a food intolerance, we will make every effort to notify food services in your building in a timely manner. However, if you have any questions or concerns, you may reach out to the Cafe Manager to discuss your student’s intolerance.
Please have your doctor complete the Asthma Form for your student. Please note the doctor can check the box that allows your student, Grades 7-12, to carry the inhaler at school, otherwise, the inhaler will need to be kept with the nurse in the clinic.
Due to Covid, nebulizer treatments are not given at school at this time. If your student would need a nebulizer treatment, a parent would have to take the student home to administer it.
If your student has diabetes, please bring their Diabetes Medical Management Plan (or DMMP) to school each year. There is a Diabetes Info Letter and a Diabetes Responsibility Letter that we ask parents/students to sign. Here is a list of supplies your student should have while at school and can be kept in the clinic. However, if your student has orders to self-manage, they may carry their supplies with them but it might be good to have a few extra supplies in the clinic as well.
Espanol-Plan de Manejo Médico de la Diabetes
Ask your doctor to work with you to complete the Seizure Action Plans | Plan de acción de convulsiones
for your student. This provides important information about your student’s seizures and how to respond if your student were to have a seizure during the school day. If your student has emergency medication (Diastat or Valtoco), please contact your building nurse. We will also need a copy of the Seizure Responsibility Letter (En Espańol) signed.
Other Health Concerns
If your student has other concerns not listed above, please contact your nurse to discuss them.
The State of Indiana requires every child enrolled in an accredited school shall be immunized as determined by the state department of health (I.C. 20-34-4-2). It is the responsibility of Washington Township Schools to maintain current and accurate records of immunizations for each student. The Indiana State Department of Health has created a calendar or schedule for vaccines required for students by age.
Immunization Calendar – English
Immunization Calendar – Spanish
If your student cannot get vaccinated per State requirements, an exemption form must be completed and submitted to the nurse of the school your student attends. If your child has a medical reason to not get vaccinated, we require your doctor to complete the Vaccine Medical Exemption form. If you don’t want your child to get the required vaccinations based on religious grounds, please complete a Religious Exemption Form Immunization form (Excencion Religiosa).
HPV Information
If your student requires medications to be kept at school and/or administered during the school day, there are guidelines we ask to be followed:
General Information
- Please complete the Request to Administer Medication form based on Prescription, Non-Prescription or Self-Administer. Available in English or Spanish
- Medications should be in the original bottle or container with the prescribed information on the label.
- Medications should be in the original bottle or container with the prescribed information on the label.
- Medications are administered based on the label on the bottle. Please be sure the information is current and correct.
- Non-FDA medications including herbal supplements and vitamins cannot be administered at school unless we have a physician’s note for the medication. CBD or essential oils are not allowed.
- All medications must be kept in the clinic. A student cannot carry medications at school unless it is an emergency med, as described below.
Transportation of Medications
- Grades K-6, medications should be delivered to your school by a parent or guardian. The nurse will verify the number of pills with the parent.
- Grades 7-12, it is preferable a parent or guardian to deliver the medication to your school. If a parent chooses to send the medication with the student, the parent will need to contact the nurse via email or phone call PRIOR to the student delivering. The student should bring the medication to the clinic immediately upon arrival to school. If there is any discrepancy in the number of pills, the nurse will contact the parent.
- Medications delivered should be in a sealed envelope with the name of the student, name of the medication, dosage, and pill count.
- End of School Year
- Grades 9-12: if you’ve completed the Medication Form, you can check that box that allows the student to transport the medication home at the end of the school year.
- Grades K-8: your nurse will contact you near the end of the school year to confirm how you want any medications left to be transported home. Your student can transport home, but written permission is required.
Emergency Medications
- Epi Pens- if your student has an Epi Pen prescribed, students in grades 6-12 may carry it while in school, only with permission from the prescribing doctor. The doctor can make note of this on the Severe Allergy Form. Otherwise, Epi Pens are kept in the clinic for grades K-5 or for those parents who prefer it be kept in the clinic for grades 6-12.
- Inhalers- if your student has an inhaler prescribed, students in grades 6-12 may carry it while in school, only with permission from the prescribing doctor. The doctor can make note of this on the Asthma Form. Otherwise, inhalers are kept in the clinic for grades K-5 or for those parents who prefer it be kept in the clinic for grades 6-12.
- Seizure Medications- can only be kept in the clinic.
- Glucagon- Students with diabetes may carry their glucagon in high school, however, it is recommended a dose be kept in the clinic.
- If your student, Grades 6-12, plans to carry their inhaler or Epi Pen while at school, please have your doctor sign the Medication Authorization Form. This form should only be completed if your doctor was unable to check the box for this on the Severe Allergy or Asthma forms.
Ascension Health School Nurses
Early Learning Center
Lenora Stevens, RN
PH: 317-259-5458 ext. 43014
Fax: 317-259-5364
Nora Elementary School
Amanda Cavaletto, RN
PH: 317-844-5436 ext. 16104
Fax: 317-571-7172
Allisonville Elementary School
Kim Reeves, LPN
PH: 317-845-9441 ext. 11204
Fax: 317-576-5255
Spring Mill Elementary School
Jamie Rubin, RN
PH: 317-259-5462 ext. 17156
Fax: 317-259-5484
Clearwater Elementary School
Katie Deleon Lozano, RN
PH: 317-259-5465 ext. 15104
Fax: 317-259-5469
Willow Lake Elementary School
Emily Ricketts, RN
PH: 317-280-3701 ext. 18225
Fax: 317-280-3703
Crooked Creek Elementary School
Shannon Gardner, RN
PH: 317-259-5478 ext. 12106
Fax: 317-259-5459
Eastwood Middle School
Teresa Allen, RN
Kyle Fisher, RN
PH: 317-259-5401 ext. 21227
Fax: 317-259-5407
Fox Hill Elementary School
Tiffany Lindsay, RN
PH: 317-259-5371 ext. 13302
Fax: 317-259-5383
Northview Middle School
Lindsay Kirchhoff, RN
PH: 317-259-5421 ext. 22118
Fax: 317-259-5431
Greenbriar Elementary School
Jessica Lainhart-Bonner, RN
PH: 317-259-5445 ext. 14402
Fax: 317-259-5494
Westlane Middle School
Patricia Harris, LPN
PH: 317-259-5412 ext. 23107
Fax: 317-259-5409
North Central High School
Health Center PH: 317-254-5543 | Fax: 317-259-5369
Michele DeBruyn, RN (M-F)
Janice Kaefer, RN (M-W)
Katie Rotella, RN (M,T,TH,F)
Lynne Steele, RN (W-F)
J. Everett Light Career Center
Patty Schweitzer, RN (M,W,F)
PH: 317-259-5265 ext. 44047
Fax: 317-259-5298
True North Academy
Kim Funk (M-F, 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM)
Coordinator of Health Services, Ascension St. Vincent Hospital
Sandie Dyke, RN-BSN
PH: 317-259-5265 ext. 44088
Fax: 317-259-5298
Supervisor of Health Science Programs and Services (MSDWT)
Nicole Cooper, LDH BS
PH: 317-259-5265 ext. 44017
Cell: 317-771-3442
Fax: 317-259-5298
MSDWT Physician,
Ascension St. Vincent Hospital
Donald Miller, MD
J. Everett Light Career Center | 1901 East 86th St, 46240