August Recognitions

At the August 9, 2023 Regular Meeting of the Board of Education the following individuals were recognized for helping to make Washington Township a Superior School District.


Kudos to Rose Bobal, Robin Conti, Alex Brownell, Crystal Wright, and Matt Skaggs for their roles in creating and hosting the Elevate Conference. When the idea for this conference came to light, I am not sure anyone realized how much time and effort would be required to pull it off, but it was all worth it as I am not sure there was a better way to kick off the school year based on the level of energy and enthusiasm that was generated over the four days.

There is no doubt that the more than 500 attendees will be in a better place mentally for the start of the school year than they would have been if they had not attended. If I had not known any differently, I would have assumed that a professional event planner made it all possible. While the tasks involved with the entire process were daunting, they handled everything professionally and with a high level of grace.  Our students will truly benefit from this work. Thank you, Rose, Robin, Alex, Crystal and Matt for a job well done.

Congratulations are in order! Two of our very own MSDWT school counselors have been announced as finalists for the following awards: Indiana Middle School Counselor of the Year & Trailblazer of the Year (excellent school counselor in the first five years of their career): Molly Henry at Northview and Indiana High School Counselor of the Year: Aaron Shelby. Winners will be announced in the fall.  Congratulations again to both Molly and Aaron, we are extremely proud of your accomplishments!

Ms. Chrissie Thompson, Program Manager with AES Indiana along with additional AES representatives presented Washington Township Schools with the President’s Circle Energy Efficiency Excellence in Education award. This award is being presented to MSDWT in recognition for reducing the district’s energy use, this award represents how grateful AES is to have WT Schools as part of the energy-efficient community. MSD of Washington Township saved almost 3 million kilowatt hours and earned over $330,000.00 in incentives and rebates in 2022. The Capital Projects Team submitted 31 projects last year and continue to find ways to be innovative and resourceful even in the most challenging times. AES Indiana looks forward to partnering with Washington Township Schools on future projects and supporting the District’s energy efficiency efforts. Lastly, we would also like to thank Ms. Britain-Smith, Mr. Boots and Ms. Laura Guntz for their efforts to ensure overall success with this program.

During the “School Spotlight” segment of the School Board meeting, representatives from Hilltop Preschool (soon to be the Early Learning Center) and the True North Academy community were recognized.

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