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At the December 9, 2015 Regular Meeting of the Board of Education the following individuals and groups were recognized for helping to make Washington Township a Superior School District.
Nick Chelales and Camelia Manring North Central High School Students
Nick and Camelia were selected by the Indiana Chapter of the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese as recipients of the 2015 Indiana Outstanding High School Student of Spanish Award.
The North Central Competition Cheer Squad
Nia Anyike, Andrel Bridges, Arianna Dyson, Jeleah Cheesbourough, Morgan Hughey, Mauriah Lanier,
Kyla Mahomes, Elizabeth Martin, Emily McGrath, Grace McIntyre, Becca Myers, Hannah Pack,
Gerrick Reese, Cameron Ross, Chynna Rowe, Sophia Schadewald, LaNel Scott, Chynna Smith, Gabby Stowers, Renejha Williams
The North Central Competition Cheer Squad traveled to Pendleton Heights for their first cheer competition. The cheerleaders have been working extra hours with Coach Rossi Mills, Emily Wikle, and Whitney Hendrickson to be ready and put their best effort out there for everyone to see. Their hard work paid off as they took first place in their division and also pocketed the coveted spirit award. The girls represented their sport and their school extremely well.
Sandra Brown – Teacher Allisonville Elementary School
The 2015 recipient of the Indiana Council for the Social Studies Distinguished Teacher Award
Tom Gayda – Teacher North Central High School – S’Park Media Mentor Award
S’Park Media Mentor Award recognizes high school teachers and advisors who are committed to igniting a passion for media in their students.
Matt Kaiser, Principal Northview Middle School – Paula Silver Case Award Recipient
The Paula Silver Case Award was instituted by University council for Educational Administration in 1999 to memorialize the life and work of Paula Silver, a UCEA associate director who made significant contributions to the program through excellence in scholarship, advocacy of women, and an inspired understanding of praxis.